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Click image to see who is welcome at this site...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Fwd: YOU'RE DIALED IN TO THE TOP Re: I'm the boss

I just got this... I'm following instructions. 

Begin forwarded message:

Date: April 24, 2009 9:13:25 PM PDT
Subject: YOU'RE DIALED IN TO THE TOP Re: I'm the boss

You've just landed a key communication tool in THE GAME. No one else
has the email account for me, THE GAME CREATOR.

Until THE GAME gets underway, an auto-responder on this email will
continuously send this message out.
So don't waste your time trying to contact me until THE GAME gets going, OK?

However, you can share this email. In fact, I'd send it to a LOT of people.

Just forward this message to everyone you know. It will pay off down
the road in THE GAME.

They can add my email to their accounts, too.

I have a ton of surprises and PRIZES planned for THE GAME.

Attend the event

The more you know, the better you'll do.


Monday, April 13, 2009


About ten minutes ago, I found something on the Internet that sent a chill down my spine.

Easter revolves around a time period. Our LORD dies on Friday, and three days later rises from the tomb. Death, rebirth - in three days.

As a prolific writer on the Internet, I'm always checking to see how my works are climbing up the ladder of lines on Google search pages. "Getting to the top" on Page One is everyone's goal. Hitting page one is cause for celebration.

Unless you hit the jackpot on a particular keyword, your ascent in the search engine world is usually gauged by the volume of information you have produced, which can only be accumulated with time. There aren't a lot of ways to cheat the formula (that I know of).

After resuming my daily feature Proverb A Day, I used the title in a Google search to check my altitude. To my surprise, I was #2 on Page 2, an amazing feat, considering the fact that I started the site on March 15, 2009, and began the Proverbs series the following day. Quite literally, I have defied the laws of gravity and I have no idea why.

When I was doing my Google search, I had to check out who was at the top. The second listing on the golden First Page had the exact same title, Proverb A Day, as my posts. A click brought me to a familiar Blogger template and lots of Proverbs. At the top of the home page on this site, the author had penned a farewell, stating he had completed his work after 613 submissions. the very last post said he had moved to another site. Ironically, the date format, placing the year first, is the exact same format that I use to catalog my computer files. The eerie part is that this post was made on March 12, 2009, marking the end of a journey; almost like a death - three days before I launched my site to continue the relay race for souls on the Internet. At right are the screen shots of the posting dates of the site that passed and the one that was born. Did Jesus pass the baton to me? Or was this just a strange coincidence.

Throughout my life I've had a LOT of strange coincidences, where the odds of what happened seemed to defy gravity and the best odds makers in Vegas.

One extremely chilling experience involved rushing a friend to the hospital. Her hand was inflamed to the size of a football from a staph infection. The only way I could get her to stop screaming was to get her to pray. Granted the volume of the prayer was nearly ear-shattering, but it was a relief from her agonizing screeches. Our prayer was very brief, "Please take care of Pat, for we are your faithful servants." "We are your faithful servants." After a mile or two of recitation, a car whips around us on Cheyenne Ave. and the Nevada license plate reads, F8THFL.

I have story after story of all these precise timing moments of events throughout my life. Some people that are seeking God First (GF) expect the LORD to come into their life to the rousing beat of an introduction theme as if played by the Tonight Show band. From what I know, that won't happen. But there are lots of little whispers, moments that make you think and wonder, that may be a voice speaking to you. If you pay close attention, feed your mind with The Word, and listen, you just might hear the rapid pace of feet rushing toward you and be able to see a hand extending a baton to you to grasp and continue a journey where someone else left off.

Look around. Jesus always put the focus on others. The more you look beyond your mirror, the more you will see. Allowing your mind to let the LORD speak to you, might just put you on a path you never dreamed possible.

For more information about The Path, see

If you would like to find a place on the Internet to pause, reflect and pray, visit our companion site, The Circle: Prayers for Today.



The producer of this site,, is utilizing its marketing efforts and network of sites to link people to Friends of Canyon Ridge. A grass roots program of simple flyer distribution is also promoting this site. However, our team can only do so much. We need you.

If you find value at this site or on any of our sites, share them with friends.

We make it easy to share our messages.

Every post has a small email icon at the bottom of the post. If you find a particular post you would like to share, email it to a friend.

You'll also see the small rotating icon at the bottom of each post labeled, Share This. You can send a particular post to any of a number of Social Networking sites you may use.

If you would like to pass on our URL to people through email or through twitter, a long URL may be a problem. We have provided compressed URL's for all of our spiritual sites, so you can tuck the good word in any communication method you choose.

URL's for Friends of Canyon Ridge



URL's for The Circle: Prayers for Today



URL's for Proverb A Day



URL's for Pray With Us



URL compression is done by, to compress any long URL's, click here.



A Place To Call Home

This site is open to anyone, regardless of their beliefs. The majority of our visitors and regulars will be Christian. You'll also find quite a few people from Canyon Ridge Christian Community in Las Vegas, NV. If you are not from Las Vegas, we're glad you found our site radiating from the desert.

We also welcome individuals who are curious about Christianity and may be interested in beginning a spiritual journey.

If you are not associated with any church or religious denomination and are seeking a loving Christian community in Las Vegas, have a seat. If you are not from Las Vegas, (we won't tell anyone) bookmark this site and become part of our family.

I've led a horrible life. If you have had a life you might not want printed on the front page of your local newspaper, you will probably find some people here with similar stories. Jesus would have sought you out for a chat. Why would we do otherwise?

There is no sin that could exclude you. We've all sinned, and we continue to sin. But we know that there is power in The Word and the more time we spend with the teachings of the man from Nazareth, the better our lives will be. Join us.

I'm gay. Great. We all have the same creator. He made each and every one of us out of love. We hope you will find more of the same here.

No ID check for Atheists and Agnostics.
Each of us goes through different paths in life. Based on our histories and our influences we come to a diverse range of conclusions. Maybe you've had voices in your life that seemed to force you into your beliefs. We hope to be different. All we ask is that you respect everyone that calls this site home - for a cup of coffee, an hour, a day or a lifetime.

I'll do anything to sell you a car. John Barr impersonators are welcome to perform all the wacky stunts they would like. However, we treat evil high prices with love and respect. We do not condone violence. Please do the same. (If you're not from Vegas, ask someone to explain this one.)



We have a few simple rules on this site. Our URL is open to the world, we are not a closed community. However, we are a selective community.

Jesus Christ left us with two powerful commandments:

Love God with all of your heart and soul


Love one another as yourself

Jesus taught us that these two commandments superseded all other commandments. We would hope that you would take both to heart.

However, in our modern world, an ever-growing population of people don't believe in the G-man mentioned in commandment number one. That is fine. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Maybe visiting this site frequently will show you why we believe in a humble carpenter that became a teacher and spiritual guide to multitudes around the world for generations.

Regardless of your belief in commandment number one, there is nothing that Richard Dawkins or any other modern voice can say to challenge the pure truth in commandment number two - and that is a hard rule on this site.

We accept a variety of viewpoints, but we will not tolerate violators of commandment number 2, regardless of their current religious or secular beliefs. Posting hatred, profanity, prejudice or any other remarks with the intent to belittle, disgrace, embarrass or ridicule anyone is cause for your posts being deleted and your user name being blocked from this site. Please don't waste our time.

Conversely, our site believes that all judgment is reserved for our Creator. If you are a non-believer or of a different faith from Chritianity and any of our posters condemn you and guarantee that you will burn anywhere besides the Vegas desert in the middle of August, they will have their vitriolic posts deleted and also be banned from this site.

Jesus spent more time with sinners than he did with saints. He showed the outcast compassion and love. But He was also honest with them and did convict them of behavior that would not be good to continue. That is the example of behavior we hope to convey on this site.

If you have a hard heart, please read this post from one of our other sites. After you read the post, you can click on your browser's BACK button to return to this site.



Every successful project requires a clear vision for it to sprout, grow and produce fruit.

As the creator and administrator of this site, I had an extremely clear and massive vision.

I know for a long time Linda Sabatini, CR ONE, and others have talked and sent emails about building a CR community on FACEBOOK.

FB is just too cluttered and unfocused to adequately provide members and friends of Canyon Ridge a community environment.

Those of you that call Canyon Ridge your spiritual home know how special our church is. Everything at CR from the campus, the services, the community outreach, education, care and aid are all exceptional. CR is growing and thriving because - to use a business analogy - it produces a product that people want. Spiritually, CR feeds a diverse and eclectic congregation through powerful and moving services. Everything at Canyon Ridge is exceptional and extraordinary. When you have a community that creates that much of an emotional experience for its followers, you want to talk about it and share it. Social Networking sites have too many distractions to share CR effectively, in my opinion.

My vision for this site was to develop a site that provided links, information, conversation and ideas that were highly desirable to its visitors, and they'd want to come back. The CR website, is a well-designed, engaging website, but it is a directory and information site. It is not an interactive site.


The primary purpose of this site is to provide an interactive community environment for Friends of Canyon Ridge. Here we can share things we learn about the church, announce events, create a calendar, explain church outreach with more depth, and share personal experiences from around the Ridge. There are no limits to the topics and ideas that can become part of this site.

As part of this community, I want to create a job bank - visitors to this site that have employment to offer can submit the information and we will post it to the site. People that are looking for work can offer links to their resumes, post qualifications and/or offer their services to this community.

Serve the needy. I envisioned people being able to come to this site and express their needs - whatever they may be. Maybe they need help paying a bill, food for their kids, help with an elderly family member, assistance moving, or just someone to connect with. My hope is that they will find what they are looking for at this site or follow a link to CR and get it there.

If you want to be proactive on the "D" in WWJD, you need knowledge. Providing an easily accessable online community allows people to share, ask and offer what they have or are willing to give. The scope of services and links provided by this site are only limited to the imaginations of its participants. The more people that participate in this site, the more our collective consciousness and understanding of our community beyond the CR parking lot will become evident.


For many of us, when we are not in church, we spend a tremendous amount of time sitting in front of a computer. Email and websites are part of our everyday routine. For some, the thought of losing their email account would be a personal disaster. Electronic communication will only increase with time, not decrease.

More and more people are turning to the Internet to seek information that is important to their lives. However, there are very few interactive online Christian communities. Atheists have become very aggressive online and the message of our Savior is being ignored or discredited by the media. Yet there are thousands and thousands of people that are searching for exactly what a Christian life can provide for them, but they don't know how to find it.

The news media always focuses on the worst side of Chritianity - the judgemental Bible-beaters that run around condemning anyone and everyone that does not listen to their screeching sermons and doomsday proselitizing.

Over the last five years, Atheism has DOUBLE in this country. People that identify themselves with a church has DECREASED by 20%. The flow of minds away from faith is greater than those coming to faith. CR may be growing by leaps and bounds, but the world as a whole is sliding farther and farther from Christianity. Islamn is taking over Europe right now.

I saw a news report that deduced the decrease in Christianity or those that identify with Christianity had a lot to do with sloppy and unfocused leadership. The Catholic Church, headed by Pope Benedict XVI almost seems invisible in our world today. Pope Bendict XVI is an evagelical wallflower. He's an intelligent and demure man, but not very inspirational.

In the Protestant/Christian camp, many great, highly visible leaders have fallen. Some to scandal, others have passed on to their final reward. We, as Christians, have very few, true inspirational leaders and Joel Osteen's Prosperity Gospel isn't substantive enough for those that really want to live a Christian lifestyle.

This site is registered with Google's search engine and is listed as one of their sites. Over time, content will grow on this site and it will be found by seekers, worldwide. I know this for a fact. I have built 70+ blog sites since March 11, 2009. There are keywords I tested in Google that relate to a few of my sites. On one of my sites, if you can remember the name of the site, but not the web address and you type it into Google, the entire first page that comes up in the search is ME. I did that in just over three weeks. So I know producing content will create more chances of being found. I also know a few tricks that I can share with our authors.

I created this site on Easter Sunday - from zero to its current content. I am a prolific writer and I'm well aware of the talents God has given me and I plan on using them to the fullest to help people find Christ.

On Good Friday, working from 7 pm on Friday continuously until noon on Saturday, I created a companion site about prayer called, Prayers For Today, which you can access through the sidebar of this site.

On the blog network produced by Amazon, on the Christian Community site,, I have been producing a daily feature called Proverb A Day. Also accessible through the sidebar.

For a year, I have wanted to take the 31 chapters of Proverbs and read a chapter a day, coinciding with the date of the month. Life's distractions kept steering me away from my goal. So when I began blogging in March, I created a Username: youRloved on the site and began blogging Proverbs. Creating the blog created a sense of obligation or duty on my part to continue what I started, and with a few exceptions and a recent break, I have been relatively consistant at analyzing a single verse each day from the Book of Proverbs, and I'm starting to develop a following. A feed from that site is also in the sidebar on this site.

Many of my other sites will have links to these two sites, providing pathways for seekers to find us. In fact, part of my Intenet marketing strategy is to interconnect a massive network of self-produced content that creates links from one site to the next, all created by me.

As traffic grows on my business site, retail site or any of my information and education blogs, more people will come here. So I'm preparing for a big crowd some day.

Since the global Christian community is losing its highly visible voices, we need to think exactly like the first Christians. They didn't have TV or podcasts or billboards, they had voices. They planted the early seeds of Christianity one soul at a time. Christianity was born and raised from humble grassroots efforts by believers. My attitude is that we need to turn back the clock and become more like the early Christians and do whatever our talents allow us to do and become foot-soldiers in the war against our faith. But we need to do it the way Jesus did, in a loving and gentle tone.

If hard-line Bible theology is your bailiwick, you don't need to be here. Or maybe you do... and you could learn something about Love one another and move away from Judge one another.

My dream will be realized the day that we receive an email or a post or a call that says, "Thank you for helping me find Jesus."

So I challenge you, for that is what Christ did - challenged us. And He continues to do it today. He challenges us every day through The Word to be different, to be better, to give and serve more.

You may not have any idea how you can contribute to this community, right now. I'd suggest you click on the button in the sidebar right after you read this post and become a Follower of this site. You may also want to subscribe to the RSS feed. Then, just hang out.

Give some thought to becoming an author, which will give you privileges to create posts, rather than just provide comments to posts.

Tell others at CR and in your lives outside of CR about this site. In the sidebar, you'll find a link that will show you ways to share this site, our companion site and Proverb A day. Easy to email or tweet (for you twitter users) compressed URL's are provided. If all you do is help someone get to any of these sites, you will have introduced them to an extension of The Word, a glorious community of Christians in Las Vegas, and a place to petition the LORD online and maybe have others join them in prayer.

You have to think about and find what it is you can "D" from WWJD.

Bless you... and my the Grace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you always.

In love and action,

Roger Blazic

Author's Note: I purposely did not provide links to other content in this post because I did not want those of you that share ADD with me to be off somewhere else and miss the message. However, everything mentioned in this post is available at some point in the sidebar on this site.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


This site was conceived and produced by one person. However, the vision of this site encompasses and requires many people.

When this site was launched, only one person could creates posts, all others could only post comments.

The Blogger platform that this site was built on has the capacity to have up to 100 authors. So we have plenty of room to grow.

Authors must have a gmail account through Google. (At the bottom of this post, a link is provided to take you to the Google gmail page.) They don't need to use the gmail account, they only need the account Username (a gmail email address) and a password. Once you have the gmail account info, you never have to go back to it again, unless you want to use the services related to gmail.

For this site to reach its potential, it will need more than one, two or three authors. The more, the better. So we want your fingers - and your thoughts and ideas.

To become an author, you have to be invited. To be invited you have to email the site administrator. There are a few requirements to be an author, and they're simple:

Authorship Requirements
  • You MUST be a Christian or are contemplating beginning a life followin Christ - You don't necessarily HAVE to attend CR, but it will help. We limit this site to Christians or people that are thinking about becoming a Christian because this site's purpose is not to debate religion, it is here to serve, just as Christ did.
  • You must be willing to post at least once a month - if we reach capacity on authors, we would like to reserve the right to authorship to those that contribute. If you are not contributing at least once a month, we reserve the right to give your slot to someone that is called to contribute more often.
  • You will need to learn and follow the Labeling system for posts to maintain easy access for visitors to posted information and keep the menu of post Labels from becoming 100 feet long
NOTE: The site administrator reserves the right to revoke authorship privileges from anyone that tries to turn this site into a public debate on Christianity or religious belief, makes continuous sales pitches in posts, uses profanity in their posts or does not treat others in a Christlike fashion. Love one another and you won't have a problem.

Applying for Authorship

Applying for Authorship is easy. Send an email to:
You should receive an auto-responder message telling you what to expect next. If you do not receive the auto-responder message, check the email and try sending it again. If you're still having problems, call the site administrator, Roger Blazic at: 702-531-4588

In your application email, please include the following:
  • Full Name
  • A primary email address for contact purposes
  • State if you attend Canyon Ridge and for how long
  • If you do not attend Canyon Ridge, please provide the name of the church you do attend, and its location if it is outside of Las Vegas, NV
  • (Optional) phone number

Gmail Account Required

Don't forget, you will need a gmail account to be able to sign in and post to the site. If you would like, the site administrator can provide you with a gmail account through the company that produces this site. You would receive an email that would be: YOURNAME (or a Username you choose) - so it would look like this:

When your email is setup, you will receive an email notification at an email you provide and a computer generated password. You will need to sign into your gmail account to activate it, and you can change the password, which will completely privatize your gmail account. At that point you can do what you want with the email address. You can use gmail, Google Calendar or any of the other services Google offers gmail users.

If at some point you would like to cancel the account, email the site administrator at: and request for the account to be closed. The account will be deleted from the database within a week after your request.

Post via Email

If you are thinking about applying for authorship, but are a concerned about having to log into the site to make your posts. This site is setup for authors to be able to post direct from email.

You will be given a special email address that you would place in your contact/address book. Give the contact a first name like FRIENDS, enter the email address, then save.

If you have a thought or a picture you want to share, even a video, you can attach it to an email and send it to the site for posting. We review email submissions before posting them to the site because occassionally we have formating issues or some emails come with long signatures, disclaimers or blinking avatars and cartoons. Non-essential information will be edited from email submissions and then they will be posted to the site. This could take a few minutes to a few days, depending on when the site administrator can get to the email editor.

Posting to this site is simple and easy. Use the method that works best for you.

Related Links

Google gmail Home Page, click here., click here.



This blog is produced independently of Canyon Ridge Christian Community (CR) by a member of the church. It is designed to provide the following
  • community services
  • a forum
  • a means of connection
  • links to the most frequently used parts of the CR website
  • evangelizing - introducing others to Jesus Christ
  • and more
This site is open to the public for viewing. Over time, we hope to have a growing list of contributing authors.

Views and opinions voiced on this site may not necessarily be the views of the staff and leadership at Canyon Ridge Christian Community.

Some graphic elements were copied from the CR website These graphical elements only serve to provide information that links visitors on this site directly to the CR website. Again, graphical elements used on this site do not infer that the staff or management of CR endorses this site or its content.

If you have questions or comments regarding this site, please direct them to the site administrator:

Roger Blazic


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friends of Canyon Ridge - Concept Created

I'm interested in developing a blog that serves members and friends of Canyon Ridge Christian Community in Las Vegas.

More to come.
